Server Management Levels
- We setup, configure it to your exact requirements and test your server thoroughly to make sure that all elements are working correctly.Initial Server Configuration and Testing
- We guarantee that your server will be up and running 99.9% of the time.Uptime Guarantee
- We check the status and health of your system frequently and monitor all key services.24/7 System Health Check And Monitoring of Key Services
- System administrator time, that is used to perform the server management tasks that are included with your chosen management level. All additional time is charged at €50/hour rate and invoice is sent after the service is completed. You will be notified in advance if any of system maintenance tasks would need additional system administration time.Monthly System Administration Time
- The time guaranteed to respond to any system warning or hardware failure.Hardware Replacement And System Warning Response
- We frequently update OS of your server.Operating System Updates
- We make sure that all core software packages are up to date and patched.Core Software Package Updates And Security Patching
- Your server will use our globally dispersed DNS Network. This will ensure, that your websites can be reached fast, always and from anywhere.Global DNS Network
- We offer DirectAdmin - industry leading Web Server Control Panel to manage your websites, e-mail accounts, domains, databases and applications. It has all the features available, a clean look, and is very easy to use.Web Server Control Panel
- 1-Click Script Auto-Installer is included with all server management levels. Installing scripts like WordPress, PrestaShop, Joomla, Drupal, phpBB, PHP-Fusion, Magento and over 350 others could not be easier!1-Click Script Auto-Installer
- We will migrate your websites from other hosts and within our services for free.Free Website Migration
- Free SiteLock Website Security package included when you pay 12 months in advance. NOTE: Package provided depends on chosen Server Management Level.SiteLock Website Security
- Our customer support team is ready to assists you with any issues regarding our services. We’ll be there for you! 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.24/7 Professional Support
- Priority support for your requests.Priority Support
- We make backups of your account and keep them in a secure remote data center, in case you would need to restore them. NOTE: We always recommend our clients to have their own backup. There can't be too many backups of critical data.Scheduled Storage Backups
- We are monitoring your system resources frequently to make sure that there are no abnormalities, overload and that your system is funcioning properly.System Resource Monitoring
- We will make all necessary tweaks for your system to optimise it for your particular project.Individual System Performance Optimisation
- We will harden your system to make sure that all security vulnerabilities are eliminated.System Hardening
- We will apply proactive security and monitoring tools to your system, identifying potential areas of risk 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. That will help to avoid any potencial problems of your your system security, applications and network.Proactive Security & Monitoring
- We will install and configure CSF firewall on your system.CSF Firewall Installation and Configuration
- We will integrate advanced tools for securing your system.Anti-Virus, Malware And Spam Scanning
- We will assist you configuring PCI Compliance.Assistance Configuring PCI Compliance
- Best effort third party application support will be provided.Best Effort Third Party Application Support
- DDoS atack protection will be provided.DDoS Attack Protection
- Load balancer integration service for your infrastructure. NOTE: Cost of 3rd party software and hardware is not included. Load balancing requires at least 2 servers.Load Balancer Management
- Monthly Price
Level 1
- Every 20 minutes
- Up to 1 hour
- Up to 5 hours
- Basic
- Included
Level 2
per month
- Every 10 minutes
- Up to 3 hours
- Up to 3 hours
- Professional
- Every 48 hours
- €99.99
Level 3
per month
- Every 5 minutes
- Up to 5 hours
- Up to 1 hour
- Premium
- Every 24 hours
- €179.99
Server Management Levels are a part of our Service Level Agreement.
In order to receive your free SiteLock Website Security package, please contact support, stating your order number and domain name of the website that you would like to secure.
All prices shown include tax.